Client-Centered Selling Part 3: No-Pressure Close


You’ve navigated the client’s needs, built some rapport, and you’re ready to make your recommendation. Avoid putting them on the spot and improve your outcome with some thoughtful strategies to help you get to “yes”. 


Your medical-grade skincare products may come at a higher price tag than ordinary drugstore products, but in this case, you get what you pay for: clinical-strength formulas and dramatic results. Some people will value that and others won’t. Don’t assume the client won’t want to spend the money. Don’t let it impact your confidence. In the end, you don’t know what quality skincare is worth to any given customer — let them be the judge of that. 


There’s no need to try to persuade the customer. This isn’t a sales pitch; it’s your best professional recommendation. Just focus on what you know to be true and let the facts sell themselves.

Connect the dots

Use the facts you learned from active listening during the consultation to help the customer connect to the product. (“You mentioned your mornings are too hectic for a full routine, right? This product multitasks, so your skincare will be done in minutes.”)

Specify the results… and their benefits 

Tell them what they can expect for their skin. If you explain what it does (“this is great for hydrating dry skin”), tell them what that’ll look like, too. (“It’ll be so much softer and bouncier, and your foundation will go on much more smoothly. No flakes!”)

Depending on the situation, you might also opt to:

  • Call out a few key ingredients
  • Show them clinical proof and/or before and after photos
  • Describe results you personally experienced from the product
  • Describe positive feedback or results described by other customers 


When a customer is uncertain about making the purchase, they’ll typically express objections. This is a good thing, so don’t hesitate; the client is openly giving you the opportunity to keep working with them and make sure they have the right solution. 

Constructive responses

One of the most common issues is that it’s simply not within their budget. In cases where multiple items are on the table, redirect them to the one product that will make the most difference to their skin and suggest they start with that. (Take note of the remaining items for the future.) For a single item, offer them a more affordable option that might help them achieve their skincare goals.

If the customer has objections about the product’s formula or function, rather than price, listen carefully and address their concerns; when appropriate, find an alternative solution that better fits their needs. 

Read between the lines

Occasionally, clients might be using objections as a soft “no” — rather than refusing the recommendation outright, which can be uncomfortable for some individuals, they prefer to offer passive resistance masked as concerns. Identify this by looking for non-verbal communication. Body language and tone of voice will usually make it clear whether their objection is a veiled refusal. 

When responding to a no, whether it’s soft or definitive, it’s best to validate their concern in a positive way and step back, leaving the door open for the future in case something changes.

For example: 

“I completely understand! I don’t like to buy a new product until I’ve used up the old one, either. Whenever your current bottle runs out, stop on by — here’s my card, the product’s noted on the back — and we’ll get you started. You won’t believe how much brighter your skin will look!”


No matter how the sale turns out, your respectful and empathetic approach will create a great experience for any customer. You’ll have represented your brand beautifully and strengthened the relationship — and if the day comes that they need something more from their skincare routine, they’ll think of you first. That’s what client-centered selling is all about. 


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