
This 48-year-old Fitzpatrick Type 2 female presented with main complaints of lackluster complexion, deepening nasolabial creases, fine lines, and tendency to facial redness which had been diagnosed as mild rosacea. Her past medical history is significant for multiple environmental allergies and allergic rhinitis.

Physical exam confirmed patient’s complaints and mild dyschromia was also noted. The patient was initially started on Salicylic Face & Body Wash and C-Stem®. She returned two weeks later saying that the C-Stem® was mildly irritating when used twice a day and she had changed to once a day use. At this time, Vita Soothe combined with C-Stem was started twice a day, followed by Daily Replenishing SPF 30+ every morning. The patient tolerated this regimen very well.

The before and after photos are taken 8 weeks apart.

Noted improvements:

  • Improved skin texture and evening of skin tone
  • Decreased appearance of fine lines and creases, particularly nasolabial creases

Learn more about C-Stem®

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