Skip the Slump With These 4 Tips To Boost Post-Holiday Sales

Skip the Slump With These 4 Tips To Boost Post-Holiday Sales

The holiday buzz is long gone, the days are short and cold, and it’s easy to let your sales fall to the wayside during this tricky part of the year. Luckily, it is even easier to grow your Q1 sales and start the year off strong by following these four simple tips!

1. Give Your Inventory a Face Lift.

New year, new you, right? Don’t bore your customers with the same offerings they had over the holidays. Instead, give them something to be excited about during this dreary time of the year by releasing a brand new product that is a must-have for their skin care routine.


2. Study Up on Relevant Key Terms.

2021 is a fresh start for a lot of your customers, so use this to your advantage. Many people are running searches for things like “get organized” and “lose weight,” and in skin care, the new year is an opportunity to start a holistic skin care regimen that can involve your products. Therefore, utilizing key terms in your marketing strategy, such as “get healthy skin” or “improve your complexion this year,” can only bolster your connection to your customers.


3. Transform a Brand Experience into Brand Loyalty.

A lot of customers will make their first purchase from you around the holidays, and this is a fleeting opportunity for you to establish loyalty to your brand. Identify those new leads and follow up with them. Offer them a complimentary product that has been discounted for existing customers only. This genuine offering will help convert a singular brand experience into a long-term brand relationship, and as a result, you have yourself a new loyal customer.

4. Focus Sales Around Holiday Top-Sellers.

There are always one or two products that perform exceptionally well over the holidays, and these are your ticket to turning over high Q1 sales. These products sold well for a reason, so capitalize on those qualities in your marketing tactics. Whether your customers loved a moisturizer for the dry winter months, or they pounced on your acne-fighting products for holiday-stress breakouts, it is important to encourage more sales of these popular items - they are popular for good reason.

Now you know four easy ways to defeat the dreaded drop in sales following the holidays. Using these tips can help boost revenue, along with thrilling your customers on their new purchases. For information on new products you can offer to your customers for Q1, check out the newly launched Vita-B Enzyme Polish and the Restorative Body Conditioner. Ask your Account Executive how you can receive your free samples today!
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