How One Las Vegas Aesthetician is Changing the Lives and Skin of Cancer Patients

cosmetic solutions for skin care

Everyday, your skin takes a beating. Not only is it exposed to elements such as the wind, sun, and during the winter, harsh, cold air, but it's also exposed to air pollution. Believe it or not, air pollution, such as smog or pollution from traffic, can increase pigmentation and age spots by as much as 20%. In addition, it may also lead to deeper lines and wrinkles.

Cancer patients not only have to contend with these external, environmental factors that can damage their skin, but they must also face aggressive cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation. While both of these treatments are extremely effective in ridding the body of dangerous cancer cells, they also wreak havoc on the skin of a cancer patient. Often times, the condition of a cancer patient's skin is not a top priority; however, cancer treatments oftentimes damage skin cells, causing dryness, inflammation, and sometimes even sores and thinning skin.

One Las Vegas area licensed aesthetician is on a personal mission: to educate cancer patients on how to care for and treat their skin properly by using quality cosmetic solutions for skin care and organic professional skin care products.

Lia Yiulanti, who also owns and operates her own beauty studio, volunteers her time with the American Cancer Society's "Look Good Feel Good" campaign by teaching classes on skin care to cancer patients, with an emphasis on using quality products such as those made by private label skin care manufacturers.

Unlike many inexpensive drug store brands, high end private label cosmetics and skin care products contain powerful active ingredients, such as eye creams containing antioxidants, retinol, and peptides. These are known to prevent and improve sagging skin. Peptides are smaller proteins that increase collagen production and thicken skin.

Even people without cancer can benefit from using only professional cosmetic solutions for skin care. These skin care products can not only improve the look and overall condition of your skin, but they're also good for your health as well.

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